Empowering Change: Uniting for a Sustainable Future

By Zoha Imdad

In November 2017, as the sun struggled to pierce through the foggy veil enshrouding Lahore, a profound realization dawned: climate change was no longer a distant concern but an imminent threat to our daily lives. In the classroom, our teacher’s sobering words cut through the haze, highlighting the tangible impacts of environmental degradation on our routines. The foggy morning served as a poignant reminder that larger forces were at play, demanding our attention. Fast forward to today, and the situation has worsened. Lahore’s air quality now ranks as the world’s worst, with studies showing it shortens our lives by a staggering seven years. This crisis isn’t limited to Lahore alone; it has spread across Pakistan’s major cities, becoming a defining issue for our generation. As headlines scream about our city’s plight, it’s clear that urgent action is needed. We must come together to address climate change and safeguard our future. The time to act is now.

How did it all begin, and what possible effects might climate change have on our day-to-day activities?

In the grand narrative of climate change, humanity finds itself at the forefront, but unfortunately, our role hasn’t been a virtuous one. Rather, our actions have led to a series of adverse consequences, akin to a plot gone awry. Consider this: vast swathes of forests are being indiscriminately cleared, and the earth’s resources are being relentlessly excavated in pursuit of material gain. Regrettably, these endeavors are taking an unmistakable toll on the natural world, gradually diminishing its verdant allure. Furthermore, our reliance on fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, has exacerbated the situation. The combustion of these resources releases copious amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, triggering a cascade of environmental disruptions. The resultant rise in global temperatures is driving the melting of polar ice caps and precipitating erratic weather patterns.

We have a smaller carbon footprint in comparison to the world, yet we are more at risk from disastrous factors. 

Climate change impacts both physical and mental well-being, manifesting in increased incidences of coughs, flu, asthma exacerbations, allergies, and even seasonal depression among the most vulnerable. Addressing these challenges necessitates recognizing the significance of even the smallest choices. As youth and citizens, there’s an urgent call to action. It’s imperative to adopt a resolute mindset and a solution-oriented approach, integrating fresh, research-based strategies across various facets of life. This encompasses reassessing lifestyles, curbing plastic consumption, reducing reliance on artificial equipment emitting harmful gases, and prioritizing water and natural resource conservation. By embracing innovative solutions and collaborating across sectors, we can pave the way for a sustainable future. Young entrepreneurs, exemplified by figures like Anuj Ramatri, are leading the charge in promoting eco-friendly products through innovative startups such as “Econscious” and “Go Waterless”. These ventures offer sustainable alternatives to conventional items like single-use plastics and water-intensive car cleaning solutions, urging consumers towards more environmentally conscious choices.

Simultaneously, there’s a crucial need for governments to establish flexible policies that support sustainable agriculture and bolster disaster resilience. Community education initiatives like Nasdaily’s “Planet Warriors” play a pivotal role in raising awareness about the long-term impacts of individual actions on the planet’s health, fostering a collective commitment to sustainability. Additionally, enforcing strict penalties for policy violations and ensuring accountability in management practices are essential steps towards reinforcing environmental responsibility across all sectors. Amidst the fog of environmental uncertainty, our awakening to the urgency of climate action is clear. From innovative startups to community-driven initiatives, we’re poised to make a difference. Together, let’s embrace sustainable choices, inspire change, and safeguard our planet for generations to come.


The author is a student from the department of Institute of Information Management at University of the Punjab, Lahore