Once upon a time, the world was a beautiful place with clear blue skies, lush green forests, and pristine oceans. However, over time, humans began to consume and pollute it at an alarming rate, leading to the onset of climate change.
The beauty of the earth has been diminished by the activity of humans. Oh! Dear Earth. Oh! My dear Earth.
You mesmerize us with your charm and attractiveness. Greenery was the necklace and fresh air was the oxygen of the earth. We are all ashamed of what we have done to your loveliness. We humans continuously destroy the jewelry and create breathing problems for the earth. We can only breathe because the earth breathes. When the earth’s breathing stops or is disturbed, then human life on earth also stops or is destroyed. It means that our breathing and life are connected to the Earth through a strong bond that can be easily broken over time, if we do not pay attention. Without the earth, humans are nothing, and without humans, the earth is nothing. But humans destroyed greenery, polluted the air, polluted the environment, and polluted freshwater by dumping tons of garbage and emitting greenhouse gases to the environment.
This has not only been harmful for the earth but also creates problems for humans as well. When freshwater is polluted, the animals that live in it also face difficulties surviving in such a polluted environment. When air is polluted by greenhouse gases, it obviously creates massive problems for breathing. It not only affects humans and animals, but birds are affected as well. It is all because of human actions. Birds and animals have nothing to do with the pollution and deforestation of the earth, yet they face the consequences of the problems created by humans.
Actually, humans have become increasingly materialistic and artificial. They destroy the beauty of nature and want artificial beauty. This is because they have lost the perspective that sees the allure of nature. Even now, flowers, which are symbols of beauty and attractiveness, are replaced by artificial flowers. Hundreds and thousands of trees are cut down by humans for different reasons. Trees, which are a necessary part of the earth, are continuously under threat. This is not only dangerous for the Earth; it is also alarming for human living. We are writing our own environmental death.
One day, a group of animals gathered around the wise old owl, seeking advice on how to cope with the ever-changing environment. The owl shared with them the importance of conservation and how they could work together to combat climate change. The animals decided to take action and began planting trees to combat deforestation, reducing their carbon footprint, and conserving water. They also encouraged humans to take smaller steps like using renewable energy sources and reducing plastic waste. As time went on, the animals noticed significant improvements in their environment. The air became cleaner, the water purer, and the forests began to flourish once again.
One day, a little girl asked the wise old owl why they were fighting so hard to combat climate change. Even your participation in climate change was almost nothing, but still you were ready to save the world from the alarming situation created by climate change. The owl smiled and said, “My dear, saving the planet is not just for our sake, but it’s for your future too. Oh! Dear, I assure you, your future will be bright because we will work together for the best environment. We will work day and night to cope with climate change. We will save humanity from global warming and floods due to climate change. Each one of us had a role to play in keeping the planet healthy and sustainable for generations to come. Now it’s time to cope with climate change, so we can give a healthy environment to our future generations.”
The little girl listened intently and promised to do her part in saving the planet. The little girl was very excited and enthusiastic to participate in this effort. Then she participated in seminars about climate to understand how she could participate to deal with climate change. And so, the animals and humans continued to work together, living in harmony with nature and preserving the beauty of the earth for all to enjoy.
“Save earth to sustain its delicacy.”
-Ijaz ul Haq
Ijaz ul Haq is a student at the University of Punjab, Lahore. He was trained on citizen journalism and climate change awareness through support from the Commonwealth Foundation